Friday, December 21, 2018

How do trackers and folders work together?

Happy Friday! And happy Holidays to all of you out there. If you don't celebrate anything then I just wish you a good day filled with many coffee's.

I wanted to talk about how trackers and your folder set up can tie in together. Our goal is to make it easy for the team to keep track of what is approved and what they have in review. So our folders reflect our trackers. If the trackers says you have a file with "REVISIONS" then you look in the "REVISION" folder. Easy.

  Listen to me actually show you what our file set up looks like. And I only cough in your ear ONCE.

Remember it looks small here I recommend going full screen or watching on youtube.


Friday, December 14, 2018

In the Spirit of the Holidays meet the team

With the holidays fast approaching I thought a post on the Loogaroo team would be nice. We posed in front of a tree like respectable people. We can pretend when we have to.

Meet the in-house team! Many more people are part of the family. They just work at home in their pj's. I have to say the wonderful people I work with can be the best part of my job. I see the love and passion they put into their work everyday.

 Left to Right - Keith Dury, Josie Cable-Russell, Sebastien Daigle,Christine Richard, Sorcha Rule, Kelly Hay-Hambrook, Simon Hebert, Melanie Albert, Jessica Beckett, David Phan, Casey Johnson and last but not least Gene Fowler.

Love you guys!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Let's watch a video of some trackers!

Happy Friday everyone! I almost forgot to post today! How could I forget my loyal followers (probably all five of you, one of them is my husband)

 I hope you find today's post informative. I do show you some of the trackers that we use on a consistent basis. We do appear to use ALOT of trackers, I don't even show all of them. But with many trackers it is very easy to see where we are for any given process.

And each Dept knows exactly what they should be working on. They can also see where the other Depts. are so they can pick up their own process when the previous one finishes.

I broke it into two parts. Enjoy (P.S I am sick but I only cough ONCE in this video. It was like holding in a fart trying not to cough) This is a VERY condensed version of what our trackers look like.

PART 1 - This one talks about animation trackers and assembly

PART 2 - This one talks about design trackers and client trackers.

Gene's previous doodle still applies. All the trackers are connected.

How do trackers and folders work together?

Happy Friday! And happy Holidays to all of you out there. If you don't celebrate anything then I just wish you a good day filled with...