Thursday, November 22, 2018

Pre-Production Part 4 Setting up trackers The intro

So, after a two week hiatus I am BACK from vacation. Anyone out there feel like going on vacation is just as stressful then going back to your job? Someday I will figure out the perfect vacation. But, hey, my pictures look great and we all know how to fake the perfect life on social media.

Here I am with my family at the very start of my vacation. The important thing is that I made it back!

This is just going to be an update to what will be talking about next in a longer post. 

In that post we will get REALLY into it next week since I should be caught up on my work by then (cross your fingers)

We will be talking about some ways you can create a tracker for your production processes. There are so many ways this can be achieved as long as you know what you want to achieve and for me the most important aspect is that the artists be able to use it easily.

One methodolgy for managing internal deadlines is the SCRUM. If you want more info on this way of hitting deadlines. SCRUM is an agile framework for managing work, with an emphasis on software development. It is designed for teams of three to nine members, who break their work into actions that can be completed within timed tasks, called "sprints", no longer than one month and most commonly two weeks, then track progress and re-plan in 15-minute stand-up meetings, called daily scrums

For our trackers we let our artists achieve the work they can in the time allowed. No one slacks off here and I keep an eye on the schedule and I know on the trackers what work might be late.

I LOVE google docs. Because multiple people can change on the go. And if something gets messed up 0-0 you can revert your history to a previous version.

Here is just a taste of what some of our trackers look like Very tiny taste.




Now you all know what we will be going over next. trackers Trackers and TRACKERS....

Look, Gene Fowler's doodle brings it back to connections! If one plane can't take off it would throw off the whole airport and flight connections.

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