Thursday, October 11, 2018

Pre-Production Part 2.5 - Tips for Freelancers

I know, I know. I was going to jump to the next step. But I had so much to talk about with Client contracts that I feel I should touch a little bit from the freelancer point of view. A lot of the points about contracts from producer/client point of view will be the same, so I hope you don't get bored.

 I have been on the freelancer side, and I know the things that I like to have in my contracts with a client. So lets get real here. If as a freelancer you get a project, and they don't have a contract for you. You will have to make your own. That can sound daunting. Don't worry it doesn't have to be.

You might say "Oh I don't need a contract I know this client" OR " Its such a small project no point to having a contract" OR " It will make the client mad to give them a contract if they don't have one"

No, no, no You might just want to jump right in and skip the "formalities" and get to work. Or you know the person, or the client says they are busy.

Do not skip this step even though you might want to. There are so many quick and easy contract templates out there for a nice small contract. Not having a contract with your client can have long reaching consequences. A contract sets expectations for both of you and helps steer clear of any potential misunderstandings. And this way no one can say "well I didn't know" And it can help you get paid. You like being paid right?

So sit back...grab that coffee and lets talk about being a freelance artist.

Some important points are:

Now, lets talk about important things if you are a freelancer to think about:

  • Outline of the project, the terms, conditions and contract price. These are your basic project details. Whether they're tasks you're expected to do, or items you expect to receive from the client (that help you accomplish your job).
  • Start and end date is important, make sure you start date is the date you can start. Having a delay after you made the agreement will look bad on you. Don't over commit on projects, biting off more than you can chew will end up with a disappointed client. Your client may have a schedule they can share with you. Make sure you can hit their schedule. If they don't you will need to create a schedule to attach to the client. I will have a post on creating schedules coming up soon if you are looking for help.
  • Deliverable items, you need to outline exactly the product you will be giving to the client. Format, footage etc. All of it. This section needs to be your most clear section. You can also put the appendix to see the schedule on a specific page so you can tie your deliverable's into that schedule. 
  • Make sure you rate or project amount is clearly listed. If its a per second rate make sure its clear WHEN you get that rate paid out. Do you invoice upon End Client approval? Or upon internal approval? Because they can drag out your payment. So make it very clear. 
  • List the amount of changes and revisions your clients will receive and your turnaround on them.
  • In your termination clause make sure you do note you will get paid for all approved work up to your termination date. 
  • Copyright. You can make sure to mention about delivering all source files during milestones or upon full payment. Also clarify if you can share you work. To other clients or on your demo reel.
  • Taxes, they have to be paid. Now if you have a GST# (in Canada) you can charge GST to your project. If not you have to make sure during any contract to account for whatever your tax rate per province is. BUT, if you have an American client you cannot charge them tax. But you will still have to pay taxes. So keep that in mind.
  • This is the same as my other post. There needs to be mutual respect on both sides in order to make a successful project.

Clients will get wary if you give them a 30 page contract. Make everything clear and simple. The more you try to put legalese the more confusing a contract can get. 

Keep it simple

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